Sacred Loving Blog

Read Niyaso’s blog for profound insights into sacred loving & sexuality. Discover practices for fulfilling intimacy & sexual trauma healing. Remember to follow us on Instagram & Facebook!

The Magic of Touch

Below I share with you an article written by Paul Carter, my ex-husband, about the power of touch. He wrote this one ages ago, after he joined me in teaching Tantra workshops, but it is not outdated, it never will be. In fact, if anything, the need for touch is bigger...

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A truly tantric message

The tantric message is in the picture to the left "Life is happening for joy, freedom and growth, in that order." a quote from Abraham The good news is that we have the ability to find joy, freedom and growth in any situation. Being willing to live and engage life...

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From sex addiction to tantric sex

We all want to feel good and I firmly believe that it is our birthright to feel well. We all came here to planet earth to feel good and excited and to create a fun life for ourselves. Even though the Buddha said life is suffering and I know exactly what he means and I...

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A poem for women’s souls

by Maya Angelou   A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to... something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour... A WOMAN...

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Tantric sex invites pleasure and so much more……

Try something new when you next make love, something that you imagine will help you get in the direction of pleasure and so much more. It's all in the willingness to try something new. Your body knows, your heart is wise, divine lovemaking is in your blueprint. Make...

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Tantric sex requires honesty

In fact, honesty is the greatest aphrodisiac ever! This is true whatever kind of sex you are having, tantric sex or the other kinds. In my next post I will tell you why; and how it works and how you can make it work for you. But for now I invite you to tell my why you...

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What matters is how it makes you feel

Thank you for some awesome comments on my last 2 facebook posts, the ones about masturbation. For those who have not seen them, if this topic interests you, check them out for different viewpoints from different people. Here I'll try to answer another question: What...

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What is Tantra

What is Tantra, there seems to be a world of difference in how different people are using that word? Tantra has become a term that seems to cause much confusion in people. There are a lot of different ways in which the word Tantra gets used.  To some it means a happy...

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What is healthy sexuality? Does it matter that we know?

Despite all the exposure that sex has in the media these days it still remains a topic of great mystery and confusion. Far too few people enjoy a consistently  fabulous, nourishing sex-life. How do we define a healthy sexuality? Personally, even after 25 years of...

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My wife is no longer interested in sex, what can I do?

Question from a man: I have used Tantra, and found that I can feel good on my own, but my wife isn't that interested in sex anymore. Is there anything I can do? I do not want to look for someone else. We've been married 32yrs, just moved the last kid out of the house....

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Why are intimate relationships often so difficult?

or maybe a better questions, why are relationships always so perfectly imperfect and what can we do about it? By and large relationships tend to be imperfectly perfect. By that I mean that we choose exactly the person who can touch our soul, and help us learn our...

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Popular movies could be the greatest sex education,

but in fact they are the very worst. They teach us the wrong things. But what can we do about it? Movies have the potential to be the best possible sex education because everyone watches movies, so people could actually see a role-modeling of what loving, sacred,...

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