by Sacred Loving | Sep 8, 2024 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
Many of you know by now that I am an advocate for couples. I want people in relationship to know that they can improve their love life. I even want to go as far as saying that if your intimate relating is not as fabulous as you wish it to be, anything is better than...
by Sacred Loving | Sep 4, 2024 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
You are invited to join this ongoing evening class on Maui Tantra, a way home Opening to our soul’s true nature through authentic connecting For women and men, singles and couples with Niyaso Carter We are physical and spiritual beings. Connecting with one...
by Sacred Loving | Jun 9, 2013 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
This quote above says it all, but how can you live it? Simply be willing to dare to rock the boat a little. As a real life experiment, for the next week, I invite you all to be a little more daring in your relating. But how might that look for you? Only you know. It...
by Sacred Loving | Apr 3, 2013 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
An eight-year-old boy appears white-faced in the kitchen with his friend. Curious, his mother goes into his bedroom and looks at the search history on his computer. She laughs when she discovers they’ve Googled ‘boobs’. She stops laughing when she sees the search...
by Sacred Loving | Oct 30, 2012 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
What Heals, How do We Grow? by Niyaso Christine Carter Every human being is inherently good and beautiful, and even though their action may seem strangely contradictory, every being is striving toward understanding of their deeper nature and desiring to move toward...