by Sacred Loving | Dec 5, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
I have a simple rule for long term couples that’ll make it safer to break out of the established status quo of your sex life and embark on a journey of improving your love life: You are not allowed to question why your partner hasn’t told you a certain preference...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 4, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
I’d like you to think of something in your life you’ve wanted or have been excited about (sport, hobby, career) so much so that you’ve been truly tenacious about learning it, you’ve been willing to go through all kinds of trials and tribulations to get good at. Can...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 3, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
Often when a couple is newly in love, things are great, because the partners are fresh to it, so present & full of willingness to listen, before disappointments & old habits get in the way. After the initial happiness, most couples stop experimenting and...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 2, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
In the last few years movies have become outrageously explicit in the sexual arena, but almost always the scenes are far off the mark in terms of depicting healthy sexuality. Same thing goes for most sex scenes in novels, as they are also misleading people, for...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 1, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
As a society, we’re imprinted with the belief that great sex should happen passionately, on it’s own, without any effort or communication. This explains why we’re so reluctant to work on this area of our lives, when we’re so willing to work on just about anything...