by Sacred Loving | Dec 30, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
Men have been so trained that they have to please their women & been taught that giving her an orgasm or several, is how to do it. But that’s actually not true. It may help men to know that many women report to me that they can feel perfectly satisfied, even if...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 29, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
For a man, a first step is often the discovery that sex can be totally fulfilling without orgasm. For some men this may sound completely unbelievable, even ludicrous! But the practices of Tantra and Taoism have helped hundreds of thousands of men down the ages...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 28, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
The surrendered way of lovemaking is so forgotten, that it’s actually become foreign to people. Some write it off as not exciting enough, not hot enough, not stimulating enough. But they’re missing something delightful and divine, and sometimes what they’re...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 27, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
In the sexual excitement of our society, women are expected now to have multiple orgasms with possible ejaculation, just like it’s now fashionable for men to be able to have non ejaculatory multiple orgasms. These things do exist & are wonderful (I’ll talk more...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 26, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
A survey printed in Oprah magazine revealed that 44% of men say their female partner always has an orgasm during sex, but only 29% percent of women say they do. This tells us women are so anxious to please their partners, they don’t always feel free to tell the truth....