The Tao of Love and Sex

The surrendered way of lovemaking is so forgotten, that it’s actually become foreign to people. Some write it off as not exciting enough, not hot enough, not stimulating enough. But they’re missing something delightful and divine, and sometimes what they’re missing… is love.
So how do we get to have relaxed, blissful, passionate, fulfilling sex? The first thing to do is, when you make love, let go of seeking orgasm as the goal, not just orgasm for the man, but also for the woman.
The well-known Taoist author, Jolan Chang, states in his fabulous book, ‘The Tao of Love and Sex’: “In the Taoist language we do not have a word for orgasm, but we do have a term for fulfilling sex.”  If orgasm happens, that is beautiful! But don’t go looking for it, not in any way. I know that one might be a difficult concept. Just let it sink in for a bit…

Excerpted from “Sex for the Soul,” an Audio Home Study Course on Tantric Sex

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