by Sacred Loving | Dec 28, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
The surrendered way of lovemaking is so forgotten, that it’s actually become foreign to people. Some write it off as not exciting enough, not hot enough, not stimulating enough. But they’re missing something delightful and divine, and sometimes what they’re...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 26, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
A survey printed in Oprah magazine revealed that 44% of men say their female partner always has an orgasm during sex, but only 29% percent of women say they do. This tells us women are so anxious to please their partners, they don’t always feel free to tell the truth....
by Sacred Loving | Dec 25, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
The latest craze about penis size is just another result of this promotion of loveless sex that the world suffers from. When a woman is alive in her vagina and her heart is open, size doesn’t matter much to her as she’s so sensitive & feels him so much. When a man...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 24, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
Some of the finest, most delightful sexual feelings happen when you’re making love, connecting with your partner fully aroused in deep penetration, enjoying incredible aliveness and pleasure & at the same time, deep relaxation and expansion. These are the moments...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 15, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
The teachings of Tantra and Taoism offer the possibility of loving sex in a deeply intimate relationship that gets increasingly better and more satisfying as the years go by. Taoism, an ancient healing system which I will refer to often, contains many practices...