by Sacred Loving | Dec 15, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
The teachings of Tantra and Taoism offer the possibility of loving sex in a deeply intimate relationship that gets increasingly better and more satisfying as the years go by. Taoism, an ancient healing system which I will refer to often, contains many practices...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 14, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
Tantrikas affirmed that one can reach wholeness or enlightenment through full engagement of the senses and a deep, open-hearted embrace of all physical experience. Birth, death, sex, creation, destruction: no part of the human experience was excluded. Sexuality was...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 13, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
Tantra was a religious sect in ancient India. What made Tantra different from other religious groups is that the tantrikas, the followers of Tantra, believed that personal fulfillment & union with God, came through living, accepting, & gaining a deep...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 12, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
What is Tantra? The term Tantra has become popular lately, but few people really know what it means. My one line answer to this question is this: Tantric Sex is sex imbued with love that allows us to merge with the divine. Since Sting appeared on Oprah & declared...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 11, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
There is good news! Not only do our bodies love to make love, more importantly even, our bodies are designed to make love. Our bodies and hearts know exactly how to do it. It’s in our blueprint. Our bodies know how to create love through the pleasure of physical...
by Sacred Loving | Dec 10, 2009 | Tantric Wisdom with Niyaso Carter
In contrast to our current cultural lack of sex education, many ancient traditions had built into their social structure specific practices, rituals, initiations and ceremonies – guided by wise elders and shamans – that instructed the young and provided...