Oprah magazine revealed…
A survey printed in Oprah magazine revealed that 44% of men say their female partner always has an orgasm during sex, but only 29% percent of women say they do. This tells us women are so anxious to please their partners, they don’t always feel free to tell the truth....
It is NOT ALL about penis size
The latest craze about penis size is just another result of this promotion of loveless sex that the world suffers from. When a woman is alive in her vagina and her heart is open, size doesn’t matter much to her as she’s so sensitive & feels him so much. When a man...
Sexual Awakening and Healing
Some of the finest, most delightful sexual feelings happen when you’re making love, connecting with your partner fully aroused in deep penetration, enjoying incredible aliveness and pleasure & at the same time, deep relaxation and expansion. These are the moments...
Imagine being asked those questions…
"Was it good? Did you come? More then once?" There’s a focus on orgasm at the expense of many other experiences & Love has other questions that aren’t asked as often: "Has your heart been touched by our lovemaking or has it helped you feel the pulse of the...
The pleasure of orgasm is wonderful
The pleasure of orgasm is wonderful. It can give us much needed access to the ecstatic state that we as humans so long for. But many people don’t know how to let their orgasm take them to that expansive and nourishing state called ecstasy. To let it take you there,...
What Makes Sex Sacred?
What makes sex sacred? One idea is that our genitals have consciousness; that the penis and the vagina can be healers of our entire beings. For this healing potential to be realized, I need to introduce a whole new concept of lovemaking to you, one that focuses on...
Church-going German house wife
There was a conservative, church-going German house wife, who was 68 years old, had been married to the same man for 45 years & he was the only man ever in her life. Knowing what work I do, she one day in very hushed tones confided in me, saying: "I’m so surprised...
Tantra and Taoism offer the possibility of loving sex in a deeply intimate relationship that gets increasingly better .
The teachings of Tantra and Taoism offer the possibility of loving sex in a deeply intimate relationship that gets increasingly better and more satisfying as the years go by. Taoism, an ancient healing system which I will refer to often, contains many practices...
Sexuality was honored as a potent form of life force energy that could be used for spiritual advancement
Tantrikas affirmed that one can reach wholeness or enlightenment through full engagement of the senses and a deep, open-hearted embrace of all physical experience. Birth, death, sex, creation, destruction: no part of the human experience was excluded. Sexuality was...
Tantra was a religious sect in ancient India
Tantra was a religious sect in ancient India. What made Tantra different from other religious groups is that the tantrikas, the followers of Tantra, believed that personal fulfillment & union with God, came through living, accepting, & gaining a deep...
What is Tantra?
What is Tantra? The term Tantra has become popular lately, but few people really know what it means. My one line answer to this question is this: Tantric Sex is sex imbued with love that allows us to merge with the divine. Since Sting appeared on Oprah & declared...
Our bodies are designed to make love!
There is good news! Not only do our bodies love to make love, more importantly even, our bodies are designed to make love. Our bodies and hearts know exactly how to do it. It’s in our blueprint. Our bodies know how to create love through the pleasure of physical...
Many ancient traditions had built into their social structure specific practices, rituals, initiations and ceremonies.
In contrast to our current cultural lack of sex education, many ancient traditions had built into their social structure specific practices, rituals, initiations and ceremonies - guided by wise elders and shamans - that instructed the young and provided learning in...
Consider for a moment how you learned to be sexual…
It is time to discover the potential for grace, love and divinity that sexuality holds and share that with our children.
Wisely guided opportunities to explore sexuality weren’t and aren’t readily available for our young.
Many boys and young men find an outlet for their innocent biological promptings in what’s easily available
Learning sacred lovemaking is actually an unlearning process.
With TV & movies sexual imprinting, it almost can’t be avoided. Erroneous beliefs about sex have dimmed our innate sense of knowing thru the ages.
I have a simple rule for long term couples…
I have a simple rule for long term couples that’ll make it safer to break out of the established status quo of your sex life and embark on a journey of improving your love life: You are not allowed to question why your partner hasn’t told you a certain preference...
When is once enough? continued…
I’d like you to think of something in your life you’ve wanted or have been excited about (sport, hobby, career) so much so that you’ve been truly tenacious about learning it, you’ve been willing to go through all kinds of trials and tribulations to get good at. Can...
When is once ever enough?
Often when a couple is newly in love, things are great, because the partners are fresh to it, so present & full of willingness to listen, before disappointments & old habits get in the way. After the initial happiness, most couples stop experimenting and...
The virginal orgasm? Does it exist?
In the last few years movies have become outrageously explicit in the sexual arena, but almost always the scenes are far off the mark in terms of depicting healthy sexuality. Same thing goes for most sex scenes in novels, as they are also misleading people, for...