Lovemaking requires surrender

tantric sex advice

True lovemaking is a mutual surrender. It’s when you and your partner use the pleasure of the sexual act to transport you to something higher and more vast then your usual selves.  Through sex that is filled with love and allows for total let go, you can access a more expanded and transcendental place than you might be able to access on your own. That’s the potential of sex, but unfortunately it is not a given that this happens when a couple gets together. It requires surrender, a vulnerability that many people are afraid of. Not because we want to look good, but because we are afraid of saying or doing something to displease our partner. So most couples, to avoid “hurting” each other, end up settling into a well worn path that their sexual play follows, without much examination or conversation.

My invitation to you: Before you make love the next time have a little conversation with your partner about the above statements. Talk about what it touches for you. Then share what new explorations you would like to try. Talk about what you might want to do differently in order to have more enjoyment. Because, the good news is, more enjoyment equals more opening to this transcendental place that I am talking about. But you have to be willing to explore a little, to venture into new territory. Is your relationship worth it? I hope for you that the answer is yes?

And of course as always I invite your questions and comments.

with warm Aloha, Niyaso

If you want more insights and ideas about what you can do to make your love life more enjoyable and transcendental check out my audio program

Tantra, Sex for the Soul

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