If you want your love life to improve you must do something, don’t just wait and hope!

Many of you know by now that I am an advocate for couples. I want people in relationship to know that they can improve their love life. I even want to go as far as saying that if your intimate relating is not as fabulous as you wish it to be, anything is better than staying with the status quo of your current sex life. Just do something different, anything, well, almost anything. I spend a lot of time with couples in sessions, couples who have decided that they want to do something about the quality of their love life. I’m struck again and again at the sense of helplessness that these couples experience in this arena. They don’t know what to do, how to make the changes that will bring the desired happiness. So if you feel that way too, please know that you are not alone.  I hope that this video will give you some ideas, it’s my first try at teaching via video, there will be more and better videos to come. Subscribe to my you tube channel if you want to be informed of new videos. One thing is for sure if you want your love life to get increasingly more fantastic: Exploration it the name of the game!



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