How did your week of pleasure go?

In my last 2 posts, as an assignment related to the question what it takes for a woman to be fully orgasmic, I invited you to pursue pleasure, to pursure the experience of pleasure in your body, in or out of relationship, with or without a partner, just to pursue sensual pleasure. Did you do it? How did it go? Well, below what some of the folks that wrote in had to say.

One woman commented: I can totally see that this is a great exercise for me if I want to become more orgasmic, but I was also aware of such strong feelings of shame. I was walking down the isles of our local supermarket, remembering your suggestion, swaying my hips, very subtly I might add, just because in that moment it felt good to do, and suddenly I was terrified that everyone who saw me could see what I was feeling and think me a whore. I looked around, but noone was paying any attention to me, so I dared myself to just keep doing it. It was a great day at the market!

Another woman wrote: Your assignment made me notice how little time I devote to the sensation of pleasure in my life. I would remember your suggestions and breathe really fully or stretch like a cat, and it felt great, but next thing I knew, I was busy focused on the business of life and hardly breathing and sensing myself at all. Still, I see how this is good for me and what a necessary step it is. I’m going to take a vacation this spring just so I can do this more. Thanks for the idea.

A guy wrote: It felt like a girl’s assignment but since you said boys could do it too, I decided to do it try. It made me realize how task oriented I usually am and how sensuality and sexuality are two separate things for me. I am going to make an effort at bringing the two together from now on and to allow a little more sweetness in my body.

So to the people who want to nurture their full sexual and orgasmic potential I say: This ability to feel sensual pleasure in your body in everyday life is a crucial, important first step. Nurture it in any way you can. 

More on this topic coming soon.

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