Authentic Connecting: An evening of Divine Play

Authentic Connecting: An evening of Divine Play

with Niyaso Carter and Chris Gongaware

Sunday, September 16th, 6:30pm

You are invited to a night of Authentic Connection and Play; a workshop exploring the spectrum and richness of human connection; an evening of fun, highly-interactive exercises that explore new ways of seeing, connecting and appreciating each other (and ourselves) on a deeper and more rewarding level! We’ll learn and practice easy tools that you can take into your life right away, helping you to craft the relationships and experiences that you want.

This evening is an experiential laboratory; a place for relaxation and inspiration. A place where you can practice being true to yourself no matter what. Some exercises will offer invitation for touch but no sexual touch will take place. We will be exploring the physical, energetic, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of connecting.
What can I expect? Laughter, fun, nourishment, anxiety/excitement (while learning the difference), relaxation, sparks of connection, feeling ALIVE, insights, challenges, love, REALness, personal growth, transformation. Expect the full spectrum of your life.

Who can play? Anyone! Whether single, dating, young, old, etc., it doesn’t matter. Anyone who feels a desire to feel closer with people, and is willing to try something new.

Side-effects include: — Connecting with a complete stranger for five minutes and walking away knowing them better than your own family. — Having the best feeling of connection that you’ve had all year. — Finding out what you really want, and saying it!

You are fully supported to choose your own level of involvement at all times. Participation in any part of the class is optional. Communication tools and guidance are given to help you honour your sovereignty and communicate your personal boundaries easily. Whether you participate a lot or just a little, ultimately the class, like the practice of Tantra, is not primarily about connecting more deeply with another, but provides an inviting space to drop ever more fully into your authentic self.
For singles and couples. You don’t need a partner, AND you’re most welcome to bring one (or 5) if you wish: invite anyone else who might fit the bill of being real. Authentic Connecting is equally suitable and welcoming to single peeps and those in relationships.

Authentic connecting gives us a chance to open to our soul’s true nature because we are physical and spiritual beings. Connecting with one another is how we open our hearts, learn about love and grow our souls. There are many ways of connecting: through a glance, with words, through touch, even just energetically.

In order to connect meaningfully in any relationship, a solid connection with our own body, heart and inner being are a must. This connection with your inner self allows you to have clear boundaries and good communication, which are a necessity for true intimacy.

The purpose of this class is three-fold. First, it provides an avenue where singles and couples alike can enjoy the magic of authentic connecting in a carefully structured, safe, yet playful setting. Secondly, you learn tools that will make future relating experiences more enjoyable and potent. Finally and most importantly the class offers ways for each person to be more fully in touch with their inner essence.

Niyaso has been teaching and counseling in the area of intimate relating for over 25 years. She is the author of ‘Tantra, Sex for the Soul’ and the co-creator of the long time bestselling video ‘The Tantric Secrets of Sacred Sex’. She also is an experienced trauma resolution counselor and spiritual mentor. Niyaso’s biggest gift is her compassion as she uses her resources and skills to create a learning space that is at once light, playful, safe, respectful and deeply trans-formative.

Chris is an Authentic Relating Facilitator and Professional Coach on the island of Oahu. It is part of his life’s mission to help people create greater connection to themselves and others. He is the co-founder of Authentic Hawaii. Chris believes our acceptance and welcoming of everything is the starting place for anything.

How this class works for singles:

All exercises are described in detail prior to doing them and people can choose to take a partner for any given exercise or sit out. There is no mandatory pairing up.
People are encouraged to be sensitive to their needs, and declare appropriate boundaries when deciding to be with a partner. With good boundaries in place and permission given to honor one’s needs moment to moment, magic can happen.

How this class works for couples:

Each couple is free to choose how they want to experience the class. If in doubt, we encourage couples to do all the partner exercises and explorations that are offered in the class exclusively with each other. If a couple would like to experience meeting other people they are welcome to join the singles pool for some or all of the exercises. A couple can decide this based on the type of exercise offered. Unless the couple has discussed previous to class that they want to explore this option, we suggest that they work exclusively with each other during their first class. If a couple is unsure about which way to go feel free to talk to us about it beforehand.

This class is intended to be a community resource as well as a community co-creation in authentic loving. Feedback will be invited after each class and community involvement in shaping the teachings is encouraged.

Cost: $15 – $20 sliding scale
For more information call (808) 572-2234 or email
to discover more about Niyaso and her work go to

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