Sex should be effortless. True or False?

What’s your gut answer to this question? “True” is what I would say. And yes it is true. However this statement comes with a side note:

Most of us believe that if we fall short in the world of sex, it must be our fault, or our partner is wrong, or the relationship is a failure. As a society, we’re imprinted with the belief that great sex should happen passionately, on it’s own, without any effort or communication on the part of the couple. This explains why we’re so reluctant to work on this area of our lives, when we’re so willing to work on just about anything else. We have been brainwashed to think that it should happen magically on its own. This belief that great sex should happen on it’s own is quite in contrast to the practices of the spiritual traditions of Tantra and Taoism.

Paradoxically, great sex can & should be effortless. That is to say that it will be effortless once we know what to do, or rather once we know how to deeply trust our inner knowing and follow it. When we learn to relax so deeply that we can hear our heart’s, body’s and soul’s true nature that’s when sex becomes effortlessly awesome. In essence that is what Tantra teaches. It’s not a path of effort, it’s a path of allowing, but it requires a deep understanding and listening.

Are you willing to do some learning and listening in this area? It will be so worth it.

Excerpted from  “Tantrs, Sex for the Soul,” an Audio Home Study Course on Tantric Sex



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