Ideas for what to do on Valentine’s day

Suggestions for couples and for singles for something special to do on the “Day of Love”

Before I go into my ideas for you, please remember that our hearts are as precious as this baby dolphin in it’s mother’s womb, so whatever you do, be kind to yourself. Valentine’s day is not about performing for another, it’s about allowing a little more love in our own hearts and eliciting the same in another.

I like Valentine’s day because it makes us want to do something out of the ordinary for our loved ones. I also see it as an opportunity to attend to our own hearts, and to do something special for ourselves, to open our hearts and to love a little more. I believe it never hurts to do something outside the box, both for ourselves and others.

I recently talked to a client who felt that just going shopping for a special item and planning a nice dinner was not enough to offer to his wife, he wanted to give his beloved an experience, something new in the bedroom and he called me for advice.

This prompted the following suggestion: “Since I can not give you a full training in Tantra and tantric practices between now and the upcoming Valentine’s day, I can suggest that you do some of the guided journeys on my audio program “Tantra, Sex for the Soul” which you can get on I-tunes, Audible and Amazon quite inexpensively. You can simply put the audio to the appropriate tracks and follow the guidance. In section 4 there is a guided eye gazing exercise, a breathing exercise and a slow touch exercise I call “energetic touching”. You can listen to the tracks beforehand to see if you like them and then just play them as part of a romantic evening for your lover. It is sure to bring you closer. If listening to a stranger is just too odd, Section 5 of the audio is full of assignments and exercises that you can listen to ahead of time and then suggest to your partner to do in your own time and in your own words. Let my audio program give you ideas. If you are a first timer on Audible you can get the audio for free.”

Whatever you end up doing, think outside the box, do something different, find something fun and playful. Be a little daring. If you are unsure of what kind of welcome you will receive with your new idea, ask your partner ahead of time. Get as sense of what she/he is wishing to experience more of. It does not have to be fireworks. Sometimes just slowing things down and listening to your partner’s wishes can be a gift in and of itself.

As a single person, make this day a “self-love” day, find something sweet and pleasurable to do like getting a massage, taking a bubble bath with special essential oils. Write a love letter to yourself, finding all the things that you appreciate about yourself.

As well, you can ask another close single friend, or several, for a play date and do something out of the normal.

Right now, just set the intention of opening your heart and ask your intuition to guide you to ways of allowing more love.

To read more about my audio program “Tantra, Sex for the Soul” and check out testimonials go to

You will also find a link to the free option on Audible there

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