Forgoing genital stimulation & orgasm may seem like the opposite of what you really want. But see what happens when you relax with the sweet sensations of snuggling. Do just enough gentle foreplay to get ready & then bring your genitals together. Make love, allowing times of feeling, slowing down, melting into each other, relaxing, sensing deeply, becoming gradually ever more sensitized, alive and vibrant.
Slowing down can be compared to when you’re used to drinking several cups of coffee a day, and then you switch to herbal tea. You’ll hardly get a buzz from a rejuvenating herbal tea, no matter how well prepared or how good it is for you. You will miss your coffee & you think that herbal teas don’t do anything. It’s the same with the kind of lovemaking I’m suggesting, at first you’ll miss your orgasms…
Excerpted from “Sex for the Soul,” an Audio Home Study Course on Tantric Sex