Tantra, a Path Home


Tantra Workshops, Consults, and Teacher Trainings
with Renowned Teacher Niyaso Carter

The practice of Tantra can take you all the way home to your natural inner joy.

Tantra Sex for the Soul

“Beautifully done, well worth your time.”

– Dr. Wayne Dyer, best-selling spiritual author


From Niyaso’s Audiobook, “Tantra, Sex for the Soul” and get on the newsletter


From Niyaso’s Audiobook, “Tantra, Sex for the Soul” and get on the newsletter

Tantra Sex for the Soul

“Beautifully done, well worth your time.”

– Dr. Wayne Dyer, best-selling spiritual author

Grow Your Capacity to Love
and Be Loved

Take the next step on your path to happiness and wholeness. No matter your age or life situation, or whether single or in a relationship, we love to help you love more.

Discover fun and easy ways to learn Tantra

Tantra Workshop Happy frog

Our Mission

To help people live deeply in tune with their bodies, hearts and the natural world. This promotes the joyful expression of sexual energy, deep intimacy in relating, and an understanding of love and sex as a spiritual path. As a result, we awaken to our true essence and to exquisite connection with the Divine.

What Others Are Saying About Us

See more testimonials.

“Coming to Maui and doing the session we expected to learn sexual techniques and improve our love life, and we did both those things, but what surprised and delighted us was the spiritual depth and learning Niyaso invoked in us. We got more then we expected, we truly understand now that our relationship is part of our spiritual unfolding.”
Nancy & Randall

“Our love life had been at a standstill, we either had to get out or learn how to be together in new ways. We covered so many areas in one session, sexual information, communication tools, energetic awareness, we have lots to work with now. I’m very hopeful.”

Mark & Emily

“Niyaso is very direct, she got to the bottom of our dysfunctional patterns of relating so fast we were both astounded, but she never challenged me more then I could take and always checked in how I was doing. I found her approach to be very respectful and at the same time powerful. We now have a clearer sense of why we get stuck and some good tools to get us unstuck.”

Paul & Cynthia

“I never knew one could go into so much verbal sexual graphic detail and have it feel so sensitive and intimate at the same time. Niyaso has a great sense of humor which helped us get through the more difficult or embarrassing parts of what we had to learn.”

Samantha & Theo

“The kids are grown, our financial life secure, our marriage is solid but not very intimate, it is the obvious time to attend to our relationship. In your session and during the homework you gave us we realized just how much we love each other and now we are excited to discover all the places we have yet to explore together. We are on a whole new adventure and loving it.”

Mark & Heidi

Want to Help Others
Live a Better Life?

Niyaso Carter

Meet Niyaso Carter

For over 30 years, Niyaso Carter has introduced thousands of people to a life of more love, intimacy, and pleasure. She guides and counsels individuals and couples in Tantra, sacred sexuality, trauma resolution, holistic health, and spiritual awakening. As an expert in her field, she leads workshops and trainings worldwide. And additionally, has authored the best-selling audio program “Tantra, Sex for the Soul,” and co-created the best-selling educational video “The Tantric Secrets of Sacred Sex”.

Learn more.

Hear more from Niyaso by following her on Instagram & Facebook!