Teacher Training – Discovery Package
Consists of “Tantra, Sex for the Soul”, and a consultation with Niyaso.
Exclusive Teacher Training Discovery Call Package
Get a 50 minute consultation with Niyaso Carter and access to the Best-Selling Audio Book “Tantra, Sex for the Soul”
This call is a critical step to envisioning how you want your personal and professional
The Audio Book is a Home Workshop with tantric guide Niyaso Carter.
What Others Are Saying:
“Beautifully done. Well worth your time!”
Dr. Wayne Dyer, spiritual author
“I am listening to Niyaso Carter’s audio CD teaching program, Tantra – Sex for the Soul and finding it just fantastic. So very articulate, simple, clear, and heartful.
She deals with a delicate subject that concerns all of us in a way which is instructive, informative, and inspiring.
As a psychiatrist and seminar leader together with my wife,we will be recommending this program frequently for our participants.”
Krishnananda Trobe, MD, author of Stepping out of Fear
Co-Founder and Director of The Learning Love Institute – Sedona, Arizona
“Even just listening to the program touched my soul. And once I started the exercises with my husband I felt like we were on a second honeymoon.”
Ellen Pickford, age 38, Ohio
Topics address in this Audio Program include:
What is Tantra, what is tantric sex?
Ejaculation control, how to master it
How can a woman become orgasmic?
Unbalanced sexual desire in a relationship
Different types of orgasms for women
Female ejaculation
Multiple non ejaculatory orgasms for men
Valley orgasm
Sexual healing
Sexual dysfunction
Emotional issues that hinder great sex
The energetics of sex
Kundalini energy
Cultural sexual conditioning
Tantric and Taoist sexual techniques
Breathing and sex
Sex as a meditation
Learn to communicate about sex
The G-spot
Understanding yin and yang, how the sexes are different
Sex as a spiritual practice
Tantric genital massage
Relaxing and opening your body
Sexual fantasies
Trauma and sexual abuse and how to heal from it
What’s healthy sex anyway?
Surefire tips for men to become better lovers
Tips for women how to get what they want and need
And much more………
“Your Audio Workshop is the most clear and easy to implement material on Tantra and Sacred Sexuality that I have ever come across, thank you so much”
Michael Barratt, New York
A brief summary of each track can be found at the end of this page. The program is designed as a step by step journey, at the same time individual tracks can be very helpful as a quick fix for certain situations. This program also includes several specific, structured touching exercises designed to help couples educate themselves and each other in ways that most have never had the chance to do. You will learn about Tantra and how to have awesome sex while connecting with the Sacred in you and your partner.
This program has everything a couple needs to transform their lovemaking into something truly nourishing, special and divine. In this step by step approach the exercises and assignments build on each other and provide all the pieces that make for a great love life. There are no convoluted exercises, everything is easy to do. You can simply follow along. The user guidelines give you clear instructions how to best implement the program with ease no matter whether you are currently single or in relationship or what your particular circumstances are.
What others are saying about the Audio Workshop:
“Your CD series took us on an incredible journey, it was very entertaining, sometimes even thrilling. We are a changed couple because of it and we had so much fun doing it. We are grateful that you created this.”
Manfred and Ulrike Hofmeister, Munich, Germany
“The Sex for the Soul program has an amazingly healthy and whole outlook on sexuality, love and relating. As soon as I listened to it I knew I would be begging my teenagers, a boy and a girl, age 16 and 18, to listen to it. Reluctantly my kids agreed and to my total surprise they both thanked me for sharing the information with them. My girl even said that she was going to get her boyfriend to listen to it. Coming from teenagers this is high praise indeed.”
Barbara Summers, California
“I couldn’t get my partner to listen to the CDs or do exercises with me, and I was very disappointed, but it seems that just listening by myself really changed something in me and our love life got much better. He got so curious that now he has started listening too. I’m so excited and looking forward to where else we will go with this.”
Jennifer Salenger, Idaho
“My wife said, “Shape up or ship out and you figure it out!” I was at a loss so I hit the internet for advice. Niyaso’s program gave me easy practical things to do. The advice and exercises almost seemed too simple but they totally worked. I am now the hero and we are having a second honeymoon. Thank you.”
Kevin Dunster, Maui, HI
“Before finding Niyaso’s Tantra, Sex for the Soul program our marriage was on the rocks, our sex life at a standstill. As soon as I started listening I felt renewed hope. We religiously followed her program just as suggested in the user guidelines. I never thought that something so easy and fun to do would make such a difference.”
Mark Schweiber, Minnesota
“I always thought of Tantra as something esoteric that eludes me., Your program gives such common sense advice that I almost feel like I should have figured this out by myself. But I didn’t, so thank you for teaching me the obvious with such clarity, humor and gentleness. Having a step by step program to follow makes it so easy.”
Marissa Demers, Bristol, England
“I’ve read countless books on Tantra and Taoism starting in my middle twenties but was never able to really use what I learned in my love life. Now at 42 I was lucky enough to have come across your audio program Tantra, Sex for the Soul. It helped me finally put the pieces together into a coherent whole that has completely transformed my relationship with my wife. She is finally happy and so am I. Thank you so very much.”
Martin W., US Navy
“Niyaso has an amazing knack to demystify Tantra and tantric sex. With gentle, warm hearted compassion she has laid out a pragmatic course of action that is actually doable, and fun to boot.”
Dean, Michigan
“I’ve never experienced a work on tantric sex that has made so much sense, I’m having constant moments of recognition. I’m finally reclaiming what I have always known, just didn’t have the words for it, but what I like even better is that I now have simple, easy steps that I can take that get me where I’ve always wanted to go with my wife.”
Uwe Deimler, Hamburg, Germany