Niyaso will be presenting at the Hawaii Tantra Festival, come and join us!
We are reaching out and inviting all who are thirsty for global and personal transformation to join us in celebration, love, and eros as we hold a meeting of the minds and hearts on 20 acres of tropical rain forest jungles at The Kalani eco-resort by the ocean in the Big Island of Hawai’i.
The three 2020 themes are:
- Consent and sovereignty – Consent is always in the field at the HTF. We invite you to integrate this powerful practice into your daily normal life. Consent is the implementable face of sovereignty, for without sovereignty, there can be no consent. The insights and realizations of sovereignty allow for the expression of empowered consent.
- Marriage of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine – Regardless of gender or anatomy the feminine and masculine resides in all beings. These two energies are married in the heart. Both classical and neo-Tantra teachings understand the importance of working with these energies. The marriage to self is a deep and lasting spiritual practice that can awaken a profound experience of Divine Love.
- Shadow – In the awakening of our time shadow is being seen. Both from a cultural and an individual perspective we are being asked to turn attention to our shadows. Shadows are the rejected (or even reviled) aspects of self that we cast onto others through charged projections and judgements. Seeing and reconciling our shadow is essential for awakening individually and collectively and is central to loving yourself – the Divine Marriage within.
For tickets visit:
The promotional code [HTFNiyaso] will give you $50 off admission. If you live in Hawaii ask for the kama’aina promotional code (email:
I hope you can join us!