Sacred Loving Institute presents:
Intimacy Coach Certification
Tantra, a path home
A 1.5 year practitioners training (3 segments in person and ongoing online studies throughout)
- On Maui, Hawaii
- Next training starts Spring 2023
- With Niyaso Christine Carter and team
Learn tools and skills for your healing, coaching or counseling career and dive deep into your inner essence while playing in the nourishing nature and ocean of Maui, Hawaii.
Tantra is the ability to attune deeply with ourselves and the world around us, living in harmony and in deep connectedness.
This training is for you if you:
- Want to learn how to work in the realm of Tantra and Sacred sexuality, relationship and intimacy coaching and healing touch.
- Want expand your healing practice or career to the next level
- Want to discover more about your own sexuality, relationships, capacity for intimacy and inner world.
- Want to learn while also supporting your own body and nervous system and letting go of old patterns.
- Want to understand what “trauma informed” healing really means and be able to work with people of all stages of trauma healing safely and with skill.
- Want to grow on the spiritual path as well as celebrate your human form.
This retreat is as much about Tantra as a spiritual path as it is about Tantra as a way of opening to more pleasure and love. Learning for yourself will go hand in hand with expanding your facilitation skills.
This is an experiential and interactive training, it requires an interest in personal development for yourself, along with the interest in learning to facilitate for others. We can only facilitate to the level of depth that we have been able to go ourselves.
An important aspect of this training is building healthy tribe.
This means we will explore what healthy community means and work toward a culture of love in action.
If you want to learn more
About the Training
Niyaso and her team will share from their expertise and empower you to share yours gifts with skill and integrity.
All levels of experience are welcome, from budding coach or healer to long time psychotherapist or group facilitator. To make sure that what we offer and what you are looking for is a good fit we have several steps and options for you explore prior to applying.
There is much misunderstanding about Tantra in our Western world. Tantra is not just a set of techniques in order to have some kind of high tech version of sex. Tantra offers practices that help us align with our deeper selves and techniques that are effective in finding our inner truth. Enhancing our ability to have pleasure is important, but focusing only on better, longer orgasms or more pleasure can be a distraction from the true understanding of Tantra as a way home. There is a subtle difference between those two intentions, yet all desire is legitimate and will ultimately bring us home. That’s the deepest meaning of Tantra.
Connection with Nature
This Tantra Practitioners Training is set in a rustic nature retreat setting where we approach the learning from the deepest, most integrated place possible. In addition to daily teaching of skills and practices, there will be nature immersion space where you are guided to awaken your sense of connection to Mother Earth and receive wisdom directly from her to you. There will be time to explore the island in your free time.
Nature has the capacity to teach us, heal us and help us align with our highest wisdom. When we become still, when we listen and feel, when we sense the messages that Mother Earth wants to share with us we become whole and happy. This is the essence of Tantra.
In this training, Tantra techniques are used to further the process of coming closer to nature and our inner essence. Tantra is like an art form. It’s paying attention to the beauty and power of sexual & life energies to become the most excellent lover and being. Seeing sex as a sacred energy, to make sexual intimacy a true form of art, you need creativity, skill, knowledge, and wisdom. For this, we need to get quiet, unwind, allow time to stop, surrender, and be receptive. In this training, we create a unique setting that supports this attunement. This, along with the skills we will teach you, helps you become the being that can help others effectively and with ease.
The Curriculum
What you will learn; modalities and bodies of work that we will explore:
- You will learn about your own boundaries, how to communicate them, and how to hold space for others to get in touch with theirs
- Effective, compassionate communication skills and how to teach those to others
- Breathing techniques – Breathing can be used for many reasons: calming, balancing your nervous system, energizing, and accessing altered states. You will learn how to facilitate various breathing experiences safely
- Movement and Yoga – How to facilitate a transformative movement session. This is not a Yoga teacher training, but daily Yoga and other movement practice will be part of the experience and you will learn how to hold space for others doing the same
- Bodywork – Safe, conscious touch. This is not a bodywork training, but touch is a language we will explore including how to touch others therapeutically and safely
- Attachment styles and how to work with them
- Emotional release techniques and how to use them safely
- Inner Child work
- Voice Dialogue, parts work, Internal Family Systems (IFT)
- Hawaiian ho’oponopono practice
- Understanding the law of attraction and how it works in your relationships and life
- 6 steps to freedom technique
- Basics of somatic experiencing, how to understand the physiology of trauma and monitor someone’s nervous system. You will learn techniques to manage yours and other’s arousal states and many tools how to come to balance and resilience.
- An understanding of how to work with complex PTSD (CPTSD) also known as developmental trauma
- A variety of meditation practices
- Nature immersions and how to facilitate this process for others. Tune into nature’s frequency and let it align you with your true nature, receiving instructions for your divine upgrade.
To see if this training may be for you here are a few steps to take:
First Step
Check out Niyaso’s bio here
Second step
Listen to the audio program “Tantra, Sex for the Soul”, by Niyaso Carter, it’s available on Audible, iTunes and on our site
Next Step (optional)
Book a session with Niyaso, see how she works and experience her. (You can come to the first weekend or the first segment and check it out, if space is available)
Another Step (optional)
Watch Niyaso’s video, The Tantric Secrets of Sacred Sex Niyaso co-created and wrote the script for this video a long time ago, you will be able to watch her talk when she was younger. Keep in mind that she has kept honing her skills and added tools to her toolkit ever since.
More Steps
Read articles and blog posts on website
There Will Be an Interview Process After You Apply
We want to ensure this is a fun and educational experience for you. And additionally, that we are a good fit for each other. You can check out our workshop Q@A here: FAQs
A certificate of completion will be issued after the training and a series of practice integration sessions will be established to solidify what you learned.
If you have questions about this training or are ready to apply, please let us know by emailing